Buying a CZ engagement ring is a wise financial choice for many couples. You get just about the same beauty and durability without the high prices and the worries. As a guy, there are several things you should consider when purchasing your ring, aside from the price. This guide will show you how to find the perfect engagement ring.
Stone Shape
The shape of the main stone says a lot about the person wearing it. The most popular cut is by far the classic round, or brilliant cut cubic zirconia. It is the most sought after cut and tends to have the most brilliance. This is true for both diamond and CZ. However, many people love cuts that are other than the round cut. These are otherwise known as fancy cut diamonds, or "fancies". Fancies offer a look that is different than the crowd. It is not just the shape alone, but fancy cuts like cushion, asscher and emerald cut stones offer a completely different look when it reflects light.
Tip: When in doubt, go with round. It is timeless and beautiful. Our 5A flawless CZ round stones are incredible in person.
Stone Size
The size of the center stone makes a HUGE difference in price in the world of diamonds. In the world of cubic zirconia, the price difference is not as dramatic so you don't have to worry about price. What you should consider is how much "wow" you want packed into the ring. The bigger the stone, the more it will turn heads and get attention. This may be desired by some women, but not by others. Also, the bigger it is, the less "believable" the ring is, since diamond rings over 2 carats likely costs well over $15,000.
Tip: If you want a CZ engagement ring that is beautiful, believable and still considered quite subtle, stick to 0.75 to 1.25 carat for the center stone. Anything over 1 carat is considered big, anything over 2 carats is considered huge.
Setting Style
The setting style, like the stone cut, says alot about the person who wears it. Settings range from plain and simple metal, to extremely intricate, flowing designs that are set with many tiny stones. Again, in the world of real diamond engagement rings where you are dealing with white gold and very high retail price for labor, the price difference between plain and fancy settings can be dramatic. On Jewelure CZ rings we use silver instead of gold, and you we cut out the retail store middleman. This means that the price won't be much different for fancy or plain. When deciding on the setting style, you'll want to consider the line of work of the bride to be, her fashion style, and her personality. For example, she may not want to wear an over the top, fancy looking ring if she is the more low key type that dresses casually.
Tip: When in doubt, know that the most timeless engagement rings are plain solitaire engagement rings. These are rings with just the center stone in the middle and the sides of the ring either plain metal or some accent stones. Another classic is the 3 stone style. In recent years, the most popular style has been by far the halo engagement rings.
More Tips
-Contact her close friends to see if she has been looking at ring styles. They may know her taste and point you in the right direction.
-Walk by jewelry store window displays and see her reaction to the different styles. Try to pinpoint if she likes round stone, princess cut (square), or something else. See if she's more into plain or fancy styles.
-If you want to get a CZ engagement ring, but you don't want her, her friends, her parents etc. to know off the bat that it is CZ, then stick with something low key. Get a style that is more plain with a smaller, round center stone so it looks real but also remains believable.
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